This is the second installment of the sketch book I am documenting the work I am currently working on.
14th January 2021
Page 10
These are the titles of the inkies A-Z of dogs and their short stories (each short story 30 page minimum)
A - Alvin the small - small dog adventure.
B - Buster the brave - A dog challenging his boundaries.
C - Colette and the big bounce - finds a trampoline.
D - Dave goes to the beach - about the visit to the beach.
E - Ellen and her pink vest - how Ellen got her vest.
F - Francis the nervous - Francis is nervous of bangs.
G - Glen and his many friends - a dog with a flea problem.
H - Hans grand walk - Hans in the woods.
I - Izzy's playtime - about his playtime.
J - Jitter lost his balls - Jitter looses his balls.
K- Kirk's broken telly - Kirk's adventure without a TV.
L - Leo plays hide and seek - Leo's hiding spots.
M - Morris investigates - Morris hears a noise.
N - Nancy's interrupted nap- Nancy can't sleep.
O - Olives new human - Olive suddenly gets a tiny Human.
P - Pal's pastimes - about Pal and his day to day.
Q - Quentin and the water - how he can't stay away from the water.
R - Rex and the hole - how deep does it go?
S - Spike the sweet - how Spike becomes a show poodle.
T - Tara the talented - a dog who talks to wild life.
I - Udora and that cat - dog Vs cat tale.
V - Vinnie goes skating - it's icy and Vinnie discovered skating.
W - Wayne and how he has one eye - story of how he lost his eye.
X - Xenia how she sleeps - Xenia and where she sleeps
Y - Yellow on the farm - Yellow and his jobs on the farm.
Z - Zeal learns tricks - Zeal gets cheeky with tricks.
Charlie spaniel what about me? - about Charlie.
the little hen - about a hen and a fox.
15th January 2021
Page 11
Wall drawing,practice sketching page.
Thinking simpler for bigger pieces as it'll for space for larger, simple.
I practiced a mouse and I feel I need to keep practicing. But this is a step forward for my idea.
17th January 2021
More wall ideas
The Facebook people have spoken! Llama, peacock, badger, mushrooms, seahorse and sloth as suggestions to draw.
So sketching, I posted online that I wanted suggestions of animals, I now have a few ideas to work with and I am now going into practice mode. I need to get the images down. Also need to practice on buildings more, but I can’t due to the weather. 😒
so I’m going to take photos of buildings and design on the photos.
19th January 2021
Page 12
image of heron- trail spray to make sure the stencils lined up and to ensure it looked good.(also left this page to be sprayed on due to ink bleed on previous page)
18th January 2021
page 13
Today I thought I would practice my lettering as I feel I do neglect it a lot. I have found that simpler is better and less is more. Simple is easy to replicate I think I’m onto something.
Boris Johnson on a 3 wheeled bike, cycling 7miles during lock down.
27th January 2021
page 14
robin and logo test of stencil on page.
page 15
mandala trees
using the mandala stamps to make trees, I can do animals this way too.
drawing mushrooms on this I shall do more.
30th January 2021
page 16
my iPad decided to gain a crack and I had to send it back to be repaired, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Also I have decided to try out textures and on previous page, as posts are made of different types of textures. So I can not guarantee a Smooth surface so I am going to try these ideas on these bits in this book.
smooth surface so I am going to try these ideas on these bits in this book.
(Previous page and this one)
As you can see/feel these are raised and give the images text you with no effort on my part, so far my past idea has no momentum due to the weather.
as you can see/feel these are raised and give the images text you with no effort on my part, so far my past idea has no momentum due to the weather.
2nd February 2021
snake image practice paper was mounted in January 2021, snake added after.
31st January 2021
page 17
Practising lettering page it’s page of me practising different styles of drawing techniques involving lettering as you can see from the pictures provided with this digitised version of the sketchbook.
Pages 10 & 11
Pages 12 & 13
Pages 14 & 15
Pages 16 & 17